Friday, September 24, 2010

lunch today and the museo de bellas artes

It was incredibly delicious.
A cold pasta salad with shrimp and cheese and olive oil, pokemon pasta shapes, smoked turkey, and apple vinegar. Scrumptious it was.

This afternoon I rode a bike to the Museo de bellas artes and saw some magnificent work that has been restored from hundreds of years ago. Here are a few that made an impression on me: (the photos say nothing of their beauty...) 

In the Retablo del Convento de San Agustin- "Jucio Final" (Final Judgement) by Martin de Vos

Santa Isabel de Hungría curando un enfermo  by Lucas Valdes

Las Cigarreras  by Gonzalo  Bilbao (whose work I like)

La muerte del maestro (Death of the Teacher) by José Villegas Cordero

Retrato (Portrait) de Sra. Malinowska by Ignacio Zuluaga

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