Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Fumes to Tariq

I went out to Tariq Road with Uranous two days ago and we went shopping for some essentials (talcum powder is now my life force.) It was my first time to the city in a rickshaw which is essentially a small open taxi about the size of a peanut (daddy don't worry, I was safe.) The driving (if you can call it that) in India and Pakistan is extreme and disorderly. And EVERYONE honks all the time. In America, I always feel a bit offended when people honk but here it's perfectly okay (which might make me a little honk-happy when I return to the US so here's an apology in advance.)


Today we came across some very strange situations (fungal infections, orbital swelling, strange urine) in patients and the diagnoses are still to be made. We're waiting after we've sent all the samples to the labs.

Neurology is really an astounding field. There is so much left to be discovered because the brain is the most complex instrument I have ever known. To me, there is nothing more beautiful or astounding or intricate. The pulchritude of its complexity is the fuel that will always compel me to explore it forever in whatever means that brings me satisfaction.

The Cost of Living

Yesterday, I went to buy some vegetables from a cart that stations itself right between Silver and Al-Amaan apartments--close to Noorabaad. Here they are nice and fresh and my Pakistani friends have been cooking wonderful curries and spiced vegetables for me, so I thought I'd return the favor. The vegetable man is young and handsome and gives us very good prices. I purchased four tomatoes, a bunch of spinach, about one handful of okra and four cucumbers for NINETEEN RUPEES!!! (As of now, that is approximately 28 cents.)


I've been keeping up with some friends via e-mail and it has been so nice to here about everyone's summer. Please keep me updated with all that is going on in your lives! I have been religiously reading Jane Austen, and some other nice books I found here. I also found an awesome website at (it's free and helps you learn languages) which I have been using quite exhaustively in efforts to speak Urdu properly.

Take Care :)


Anonymous said...

in absence of a more articulate response..

...and since we both know my obsession with language/accent/etc sites.


Reddy said...

hey Alia,
that makes perfect sense :) keep your blog :)

Anonymous said...

Alia, this is a fascinating journal/blog you have written. I was watching Umrao Jaan earlier today and I could not help but think of you (note: it was the Urdu and Muslim traditions in the film that reminded me of you, not the kidnapping of a young girl to be sold into a brothel).

Alia Poonawala said...

brittany- haha! yes after you showed me that awesome gmu site, i have no choice but to repay you!! (i am posting some cool language learning links on my blog under "lovely linkies" if you're interested ;)

umraoo jaan! my dear, why were you not born into an indian family? thanks for reading--ready for college?

my dear dedicated reader, I am glad you understand. Because, you do know me :)

Unknown said...

Ok, so first of all, your blog is amazing. It's publishable and I'm not exaggerating when I say that.

You know, something that came to my mind when I was reading was that you notice so many details that we have just become used to since we've stayed here all our lives. The smells on the streets... ok I don't know much about Pakistan, but here, I really can't distinguish anything.

Then the honking... yup the streets in the US seemed pretty quiet the first time I got there. :P I'm going to start learning driving from tomorrow! So I'll drive you through some crazy pune streets once you get back.

Also its wonderful that you are learning urdu, I want to hear some of that.

I'll be coming back as often as I can. Love you loads!

Alia Poonawala said...

dearest akanksha!!
how you flatter me!
yes! i cannot wait to serenade you with the dulcet tones of my horribly misworded urdu.
and you must drive me around pune!
also, it is so easy to become desensitized to a place when you've been there for a long time.
i am going to try my hardest to adore pittsburgh (which i frequently do, but then forget how cool it is.)
miss you!
see you soon ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, I haven't checked here in a couple of weeks @_@! It still astonishes me to think you're having all these amazing adventures while I've been utterly static back at home. I'm happy to live vicariously through you, though.

I guess it's a comment more on your last post than this one, but though I've only been to parts of Europe, I can understand the feeling to a certain extent––I always hated feeling like a stuck-up, ignorant American. I admire you for being so adventurous, but caution is a must, too, even if it feels as if it's holding you back. And preconceptions are an unfortunate and everpresent something to battle…Being aware of them, however, makes all the difference, I think.

Stay safe, take courage, and keep having fun!